I am not a Utah football fan. I am not a BYU football fan. In Utah it seems like you are required to be either one or the other... I just watch college football to watch it, and because most of my friends are obsessed and if I want to see them at all during the football season, that's what I need to do. I definitely don't have a favorite college team. But when some of my crazy friends, whohappen to be obsessed with Utah football, heard ESPN was coming to Salt Lake for the Utah vs. TCU game, it was decided that we would wake up at 4am and go watch them film. My sister Kim and her husband Chris and their daughter Cortney were able to join us bright and early. Okay so maybe it wasn't so bright because the sun didn't even come up until we had been there at least 2 hours. Poor Cortney had no idea why people were yelling and why we forced her to wear a Utah cheerleading uniform (courtesy of Aunt Jenny of course). Well I learned a couple of things that morning. First, many people see anything wrong with being completely wasted at 5am. Seriously, do they not realize how ridiculous they look, or more how ridiculous they sound? Not gonna lie though, they definitely kept things entertaining. Second, my body is not made for standing for 5 1/2 hours straight. Literally standing and not moving at all. Third, I fit into little boys sweatshirts (and they cost less too). And fourth, I am not too heavy to sit on someone's shoulders. I don't think I've done that since the high school cheerleading days, so it was nice to know that it is still possible. I was so glad I didn't buy tickets to go to the game. I don't think I could've stayed awake, and frankly I would've been pretty embarrassed to be wearing a Utah sweatshirt to that game. And I don't like to be embarrassed. It was overall a pretty fun experience. I chose to attend a college that didn't have competitive sports (hooray for BYU-Idaho) so I feel like I really missed out on that opportunity for school spirit. I think I faked it pretty well...
Pumpkin Party
6 years ago
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