Today I officially began the second trimester of this wonderful thing called pregnancy! Rumor has it that you aren't suppose to be as sick and you're suppose to have more energy.... hopefully those rumors manifest themselves soon because day one of trimester two was not so pleasant to me. Here is what I have learned thus far in my pregnancy...
1. I LOVE straws! I have to drink out of a straw no matter what. Spencer is super awesome and will even cut the straws when I have a small glass of whatever, that way the straw doesn't stick out too far. I am obsessed! When I was younger I would only drink chocolate milk (gag)
with a straw, then it was at all restaurants I needed a straw, and now I want one with everything! I find that I actually drink more when I drink out of a straw and that's a big deal for me right now cause I need all the hydration and liquid I can get!
2. What's good one day, may not hold true for the next day. There is absolutely nothing I can eat that I would consider "safe". Every single piece of food I put in my body has a 97% (yes I did the math) chance of resurfacing within 30-45 minutes of eating it. Everyday is definitely an adventure when it comes to food.
3. Although Michelle Duggar may be crazy, she also just might be superwoman. Just watching that show makes me super uncomfortable and sympathetic
towards the children, but any woman who can be pregnant 19 times and keeps getting pregnant has some sort of magical power that I do not posses. Maybe she just doesn't get sick while she's pregnant and her calling in life is to single handedly (okay I know it takes two people to make a baby, but let's face it... guys have no idea what it's like to be pregnant... and she's the one dealing with all the crazy changes) replenish the earth, but WOW! I think I need to give her a little more credit when it comes to how many children she has. Maybe the pain is like a high for her??? Yeah, I could go on and on with this so I better stop.
4. People really sympathize with pregnant woman. A couple nights ago my sister Kim and her hubby Chris wanted to play. So I made sure to rest all day and when Spencer got home we decided to meet them for dinner at Chili's. We definitely had some sweet free food fro
m there so it made the decision pretty easy about where to eat. I struggled getting ready and Spencer suggested that we call them and call it off. But I was determined to make this happen. All I had to eat was a creamy soup. There really were no chunks in it and I didn't even eat it with crackers! It was plain and easy, so I figured I would be safe. We sat for like an hour after we finished because I wasn't feeling well and Kim and Chris were enjoying a date night without the child. We got up to leave and within 20 feet of the restaurant I knew we were about to have a situation. Definitely threw up everything in that Chili's parking lot. Spencer stood behind me and held my hair and promised to wash my boots off when we got home, as my sister sat in her car with her husband watching and convinced him to not drive by honking. Thank you Kim. So I was already embarrassed and upset when a family of four came walking by. Of course the little boy
yelled "gross!" which caused the entire family to look my direction. Spencer did me a favor and apologized followed by "she's pregnant." Instantly the mother's face turned from a look of disgust to concern and understanding. She even wished me better. I should really test this theory to see how much you can get away with if you use the excuse that you're pregnant... could be fun. Also could land me in prison, but still fun.
5. I may only have 1 child. I have always wanted a big family! When I was younger I wanted 7 kids and I was going to name them after the 7 dwarfs. Later I wanted 13 children, and kept lists of all the names that I loved. Well, turns out Spencer and I don't really agree on many names, so the lists have been bagged, and I am really struggling with pregnancy. Not just physically but emotionally. It is so much harder than I ever thought it would be. One of the gals I coach with told me that she was like superwoman when she was pregnant... I could only wish.
It's super interesting that everyone reacts differently to pregnancy, but man, I never thought it would be this hard. I here though that after you actually have the child and see what you have created and hold that infant in your arms, that those feelings of never having another one fade... but I tell you what, I don't know if a million dollars would change my mind at this point.
We still have a long way to go considering I'm only 1/3 of the way done, and things have the possibility to improve immensely! I am excited, nervous, scared, and so ready to eat and sleep like I use to. Also I'm nervous because I am really showing a lot and it's still early... people think that I'm like 4 or 5 months already... I am a little worried about that. I am so excited to start a new phase and to hopefully start embracing this pregnancy as more of a positive experience. Cross your fingers for me and please enjoy this lovely picture from a white trash bash 5 years
ago that is manifesting truth in my life today.