Monday, January 23, 2012

Another Post from the Bed...

I am desperate to feel like myself again! Last night I had to once again pull out the catheter in my hand by myself because it blew and was causing me a lot of pain... Luckily Spencer was there this time to help me. So much better when someone is there to help you!!! But the down side is that I can't keep anything down and I haven't had fluids now for almost 24 hours... I am trying but just not having any luck at all. I didn't really think that the fluid was really doing much besides making me have to pee every 15 minutes and giving me energy, but now that I am without it, I can see that it was really doing a lot more than I thought. My goal is to feel better by next Tuesday because I would really like to feel good and happy while I'm turning 26.... Geez! I am getting so old! But I guess it's okay because the kids and teachers at the high school still think I'm in high school. The blessings of good genetics! Other news... totally popped overnight. I thought I was big before and now it's obvious that I'm pregnant... Sorry no pictures. Every
picture I have taken just doesn't look good.... so instead of a baby bump picture, here's me with my lovely bag of fluid chilling with my parents.
Really hoping that I start to feel better soon, so that I don't have to give up more of the things that I love doing! Super bummed that I can't go up to Sundance this year! That's one of my favorite things to do and Spencer has never gone before and I just thought it would be awesome to take him, but it's just not gonna happen. Sad. I will just have to save all of my celebrity stalking energy for next year. Sorry I haven't posted a lot... I definitely have the time, but trying to write positive things is a little difficult for me right now, so I would just rather not write at all. Hopefully I can regain an optimistic attitude soon and this sickness will pass. My heart truly goes out to any woman at all who has suffered hyperemesis, especially throughout their entire pregnancy. I am praying and hoping that after February 10th, I don't have to have the fluids anymore. There is a possibility that I have to have them until I have the baby, which is not ideal, but you gotta do what you gotta do in order to have a healthy child. And that's the goal here. Also, I am no longer a Kinville as of this morning. Finally had my Mom help me get to the DMV and got myself a Utah driver's license (ugh) with the last name Ahlstrom... It's official! Happy Monday!

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