Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wisdom of Dwight...

Remember this episode from season 2 of The Office? I thought this was so funny and also ridiculous... Little did I know that my doctor would actually suggest to me to get a Neti Pot, which is basically exactly what Dwight explains here. When the doctor was telling me what it was I couldn't help but to laugh out loud despite the weird looks from the husband and Doctor. Once I explained they totally understood but still. No idea that this was a real thing. Of course after the appointment we went straight to the Walmart to buy one because how could I not try this? Plus my sinus's were killing me and that on top of the returning Hyperemesis (heavy groan) was just too much for me. Good news is that the doctor told me he doesn't think I will carry full term because of all the complications, but could deliver her safely and healthy around 36 weeks. Spencer and I are very excited about this because this pregnancy has been so miserable! So we could be 6 weeks away from meeting our little girl. I'm measuring very large he said, but of course everything depends on how I feel and the health of the baby. We will keep her in until she is healthy enough... I don't know why I say we... Spencer isn't the one carrying this child... who by the way has decided to kick and shift nonstop for the past 2 days. I love that she is so active, but when I'm not keeping food down it's a little rough on the stomach. Anyway, back to the Neti. Definitely an interesting experience... Spencer videotaped it, but the first time was pretty rough and super nasty, so I'm choosing not to share that today. It is possibly one of the weirdest things I have ever done, but it works! My sinus's feel AMAZING and I'm not blowing my nose every 2 seconds, which is such an amazing relief! Who knew that Dwight Schrute had so much wisdom?

1 comment:

  1. interested story My head, just asploded from the grammars mistakesed
