Wednesday, March 9, 2011


The picture above was taken last weekend at my parents house. Look how grown up he is? Today Ryan is 12! I cannot believe that it's been that long! His birth was awesome for me because I was actually able to be in the room when my Mom gave birth to him. As much as I love my other siblings, Ryan and I have a special bond. We are kind of the same person just 13 years apart. Both drama and pretty much bipolar. He is AMAZING! He is a crazy good dancer and he can sing and he's incredibly smart! He is also a good uncle. Cortney can never get enough of him! I also have more pictures with him then any other sibling... probably because he shares my love of picture taking. Seriously... the same person in separate bodies. So you get a ton of pictures for this birthday! He's my little chicken! I LOVE YOU RYAN! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

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