Friday, July 22, 2011


Okay so really I'm just putting off working out for a little while longer in order to write this post... It's just so dang hot! But I know it's important to look good on your wedding day.... geez. Why must I meet everyone's expectations all the time? It's okay, only 50 more days! Anyway, for a more serious post, I want to hit on the topic of Ethics. Wikipedia describes ethics as, " moral philosophy, a branch of philosophy that addresses questions about morality—that is, concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, justice, etc." I think that this is something that we deal with everyday. I think that most of us make these decisions without even really thinking about them because we know, without a doubt, what the correct decision to make is. However, every now and then an ethical situation arises in which we take pause and really consider the best option. By making one decision or another, we may be sacrificing money, time, relationships, etc... But in my opinion, in my life, guilt overcomes everything. If I am put into a situation where I feel guilty, I have to get myself out and fast! I honestly don't even think about the consequences and just deal with them later. Guilt is my silent killer.... super annoying, but it's there for a reason.When I think of ethics I think of being honest. Not only with everyone else, but also with yourself. I taught a lesson at church last week about getting married and we discussed some of the questions that occur during a temple recommend interview (I apologize for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about). One asked if you were honest in your dealings with your fellow men. I want to be able to answer that question with a yes... and because of that I made a decision this week that has left me wondering why I would do such a thing, but I did it because I knew it was ethically the right thing for me to do. I do not like being an adult and making adult decisions.... Boo to that. I think that too many times people are afraid to make the right decision because they are worried about what others will think of them, or worried about petty worldly things. In my opinion that's straight up weak. You should not be a coward in your own life. If you don't stand up for yourself and what you believe in, then who the heck will?!?! I know I will be okay, and I don't feel anxious or upset about my decision, it was just a big decision. But I am 100% better off and I feel good about it. And that's all that matters! I am including a picture of Cortney deep in thought.... cause this has been the look on my face all week! PS - her eyes are gorgeous! So glad I'm marrying someone with blue eyes!!!! LOVE THEM! Off to kick my butt kicked by Jillian Michaels.... Don't be jealous!

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